Customer Testimonials

Red Cadillac

Direct Tire Town has received positive feedback from our loyal, repeat customers. We continually strive to make improvements and offer our customers the best service possible. Read what a few of our auto service customers have said about their experience with us below:

“I walked into this place 30 minutes before closing time. I figured I’d get the run of the mill "come back tomorrow" that you would typically hear at other shops. The guy in charge said he had to check to see if they had the tires to fit. They did. He and the guy who actually did the work were all smiles, extremely friendly, and willing to do what it takes to make the sale.15 minutes and $400 bucks later, I walked away super happy. This place has a true old school ideal of customer satisfaction and it was greatly appreciated by me.”   ~Ed McWorley

504-835-2606 | 1000 N. Causeway Blvd., Metairie, LA 70001 | |